Stories from God's Own Garden

Author: Ajay Sharma

One of the members of YA family, Ajay went to Meghalaya for a project for 22 days. It was powerful for him to experience such welcoming culture and generosity in the far off state. Here's one of the stories, that he shared.  

How important it is in life not necessarily to be physically strong, but to feel strong from inside and to find yourself at least once.

This feeling of finding something strong inside came in a far off village, Mawlynoong in Meghalaya (one of the best place I have ever been in my life). I came across this lady selling fruits on the roadside, telling me she wanted to learn more English. Language didn't seem to be a barrier between us as we could communicate easily through actions and smiles. She peeled the oranges for me with so much love just like my mother do for me back home. I experienced women empowerment in real sense at this far off village, they take care of kids, spend most of the day hours collecting broomsticks in the woods, then making food hurriedly, selling the produce in local market and do spare some time for evening prayers in the church. The men got to live with his wife in her house leaving his home after getting married, completely contradictory and amazingly different in a country like ours where women confines to the boundary of houses in most societies.

Yes I was really enthused by Mrs Kongthei, I spent my night at her house. She was so interested to know about the outside world, bombarding me with varied questions purely out of curiosity, never went to school but speaks more fluent English than me as it was her learning need. She served me the best dinner with so much love in it. I was moved totally.​

Yes I feel more stronger to be around you.


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