7-day Kindness Experiment: Are you in?

As the days draw closer to the Change Festival, we thought of embarking on an experiment together. To do small acts with love and feel the magic that emerges. To collectively grow deeper in the values of love, trust and empathy.

So here we are, with this 7-day Kindness experiment. Why Kindness? Because we felt, its simple- just be kind and it includes everything. Why experiment? Because we are not doing it for certain outcomes, only because we want to try it out and may be its worth it.

Through this experiment, you'll receive a daily email with inspiration and ideas of kindness acts you can do. We will together be a community of like-hearted and like-minded people from all over the country, and you'll have a chance to share your experiences, read stories of what others are doing and support each other's journeys along the way. Watch this amazing video Being Kind, to see how kindness touches and moves us.

Together we can unleash a revolution of good. Register below for the 7-day Kindness Experiment. It begins on March 20th.

Join In 

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    If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it in in Google Forms.
Inspiration: KindSpring Community: www.kindspring.org


  1. Spriha says:
    'This is SO beautiful! i feel so fortunate and proud of being a part of an organisation that not only understands the significance of kindness and generosity, but also reaches out to connect with hearts with these :)

    lots of love!'


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