'To know is to feel, to feel is to act and to act is to live'

Contributor: Ajay Sharma

Like each time, this short expression shared by Ajay long back on an email is a manifestation of profoundness in simplicity; finding the extra-ordinary in ordinary mundane-ness of life. Here's how Ajay interacted with Gandhiji in the book he was reading and in the surroundings he was living. 

This morning I started reading "Gandhi The Man" and was totally absorbed in it. Gandhi was a keen observer of his behavior that helped him experiment with himself.
Gandhi keep revolving around in my mind  while I was doing shram daan around my friends place. Then to find a better place to read I went uphill to a serene monastery nearby and to my surprise, I found little monks cleaning the premises. I volunteered cleaning the drains along with them, and find that the little monk was sparing the earthworms from getting hurt and collecting them to restore to a safe place. It struck me hard how he extended non- violence even to tiny creatures. Everyone was communicating through signs and smiles. Then I moved with one of the monk to temple,sat in silence  and examined the vital energy locked up inside. As to Gandhiji- to know was to feel, to feel was to act and to act was to live. 
