Moments | Meanings | Reflections from ONUS Residential Camp

Contributor: Nimeesha Shivhare

Moments. Life is certainly a flow of moments. Moments that we spare in anxiety, moments that we forgo in sloth, moments that make us thoughtful, moments that make us laugh, moments that threaten us, moments that surprise, moments that bewilder, moments that force us to complain, moments that hurt, satisfy, break and those which put together. 

There are moments that touch our heart, there are moments that squeeze our soul. There are moments that vanish so fast that we don't even sensitize them, while there are moments that become lifelong memories. As for me, a superlative moment would be that which I would want to live again. And the residential camp of ONUS was one such phase of life which was full of a variety of superlative moments that I would want to live a thousand more times and each time I would want those moments to last for as long as possible.

This is incredible as to how a two days residence at an unknown place, with unknown people who had their own unique stories, thoughts and ambitions and all the unknown phenomenon that was going to happen to us could entangle those known anxieties and known queries which had made life so difficult and absolutely enigmatic. 

"After all, if I have everything that is needed to survive, to sustain or to showcase, what is that deficiency which never allows me to be happy?" This is one such question that I had been chasing for last two years and had tried almost all possible ways to know the answer but could never succeed. Hardly I knew that those positive omens that were tempting me towards joining ONUS were actually attempting to get me intimate to the answer which was awaited with so much of curiosity.
From the very 15th hour of 4th September, when an year long journey of ONUS was set to begin, we had started experiencing life long lessons. We had started living moments that seemed so easy but were meant to convey deeper meanings.  I wonder, were these meanings planned to be delivered to us? And what exactly were these meanings? If you ask me, I am only surprised. Each of us is a recipient of our own unique meanings and if you don't give a thought over what things conveyed the meanings, you might not even get a single meaning.

There was nothing extraordinary, you could see it as a camp, a camp very similar to the other camps. We played games, we woke up on right time, we ate tasty meals, we discussed stories, we talked endlessly, we never slept on time and all of this might familiarize you to several other camps and events but as I said before, there was some difference in these similarly familiar events that conveyed deeper meanings.

So, where was the difference? What made these two days so affecting that I am spellbound and only searching for suitable words which can satiate my vehement heart full of sparkling emotions hopping to come out.

It could be the touch of that soothing fragrance which blown at 5.30 am reviving our souls or the bliss of the surrounding nature that took us in its lap showering on us its beautiful offerings or it was the strength that we shared, gathered and multiplied while sitting in a circle or it was the radiance of those incandescent lights that we encircled the very first day to share our unique gifts that illuminated our hearts. I wonder if it was the blind trust and amazing spirit that we showed when we played treasure hunt or it was the laughter that gathered the ambiance when we played phittu or the gusting wave of questions that were thrown to us the very last day that compelled our souls to answer or it was the magic of love and understanding when we shared our stories- beautiful stories which have framed us into what we are!

May be the answer is that despite getting close to the people we shared our part of life with, which is much similar to the other camps, something which makes these two days different and so important is that they got us closer to our own selves, without even letting us get it noticed!
