It gave me invincible hope ! Seema (Changeagent, Lead The Change Spring 2012)

Standing at the threshold,
Glancing at the world
Astonished to see it function  
Questioning its processes, its systems.

But destiny has its own ways,
It took me to a new space.

Where people knew each other
Where defiance wasn't wrong
Where logic made sense
Where questions were answered
Where passion was the zeitgeist.

It made me meet the other side of me.
The one who wanted to believe in things and work for them
The one who wanted to find her passion and live for it.

I taught me the big things and the small ones.
Respect, initiation, punctuality were just the some.
Like a mom, it told me to hold on
and gave me invincible hope.

I just wish that people keep belief in themselves and keep on creating awesome spaces ;)
It worked for me big time:)

- Seema Garg
(Changeagent, Lead The Change Spring 2012)
Currently she is a core team member at Youth Alliance.
