For the first time I stood in front of 35 people without the fear of being judged

Contributor: Vandana, Participant, GM'12 

Sitting in the train, I had no expectations of what the near future is holding for me in her hands. A peaceful mind devoid of anxiety resulted in a sound sleep. In the day light, the windows of the train romanticized the far distant villages. Having no idea about Gramya Manthan at that instant I was unaware about the wisdom rooted in the veins of villages. My vulnerabilities defines me better than anything because they are the reason for who I had become now. 

The ten days I had spent in the community – Gramya Manthan has become the best days of my life. For the first time I stood in front of 35 people without the fear of being judged or criticized. It is the place that taught me the power of silence. Coming there as an individual I was like an empty pot. But returning back I found that my pot is not empty as it was in the beginning of the journey. Still it is not filled but I am sure that there is some change in the pot. The thirty five people helped me to realize the importance of a community. 

Before arriving, I thought that money, shelter, food and air the important constituents for the survival of mankind but I wasn’t aware about the needs of the soul of mankind. Now I think the soul nurtures in the feeling of togetherness and a sense of community. Living in the present and experiencing the joy of innocence through the village immersion program made me realize the unconscious discriminations, the strength of faith, trust and honesty. Above all my community proved the strength of love.
