Circle of Sharing

Contributor: Anisha Gupta

Circle of Sharing

I often have so much going on and so much to say that I fall short of words and get choked on emotions and in that moment I know the next word would come out in a shaky voice and teary eyes.

Lately all my time has gone into rethinking and aligning myself with Who am I? What do I want to do? Taking decisions and making choices and all the transformation that is coming along the way and it gets hard to articulate and share.

But when I listen everyone share (in the circle), I see myself and resonate my struggles and emotions to each one of them because sometimes when you don't understand yourself, you find questions for yourself in others thoughts or answers for the unanswered in their sharing.

The beauty of sharing is that it has no agenda attached, there are no expectations attached but it also works as voice and words when you don't know how to say it and think for yourself.

In those moments I realize how we are all the product of same conspiracy of love and journey of meeting our responsibilities yet determined to find ourselves among the chaos, a concern for inward reflections and desire of free- learning with need of self sufficiency, identifying our gifts and with a resolute pursuit to put them into actions and the unshakable faith to make a difference.

As the circle of sharing goes deeper every time and I turn to each one of you, I see us as the part of same love and kindness and I find myself connecting to my deeper sentiments and concerns through your shared parts.

"Because in parts of each one of you, I find parts of myself."
